Shrink plastic earrings

shrink plastic earrings by

A little while ago, I ordered some shrink plastic online since I’d seen so many lovely projects using shrink plastic.

Here’s my first go at using shrink plastic to make jewellery. I don’t really like how the bird cage earrings turned out, but I love the bobby earrings. I made them for my sister who was obsessed with them on her last visit.

shrink plastic earrings by

It was easier than I thought, the main problem was figuring out how much the plastic actually shrinks in the end. I started working on some Alice in Wonderland themed jewellery, but I have to finish quite a few sewing projects first, before I can continue working on that πŸ™‚


Stay in touch!

3 thoughts on “Shrink plastic earrings

  1. They’re gorgeous! I’m very jealous of your amazing drawing skills too. I made some shrink plastic earrings a while back (here), but had to rely on printing out the images onto the plastic (since I can draw about as well as my 18-month-old son) and they’re nowhere near as clear or lovely as yours!

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