This Blog Is Not For You is all about making things yourself, learning and inspiring others to sew, sustainable clothing and great low-budget crafting projects (and coffee).
That’s why I would love to support small sewing and craft-related companies. I am very happy to offer you the opportunity to grow our businesses together.
My readers are all kinds of sewing nerds, from beginner to expert, interested in sewing and making their own stuff. They love beautiful fabrics and notions, refashion and craft projects, cool DIY home décor as well as vintage clothing and sewing patterns. I have loyal followers all over the globe, but most are based in the UK or US.
Offering affordable sponsorship and ads is a great way to connect them with great sewing and crafty companies I love!
Please note that the offered products or services should be related to sewing, DIY, fashion or crafting.
I do not offer text links or guest posts (I like to write all the content for this blog myself).
Some Page Stats
- 26,000+ page views per month
- over 12,500+ unique visitors per month (consistently growing)
- Followers on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’,Twitter, Instagram and via RSS feed & email subscription.
This Blog Is Not For You is also part of the sewing community and the White Tree Fabrics Blogging Team.
Here’s how I currently work with sponsors:
All adverts will be placed on the right-hand side bar; the position depends on the ad option you choose. The advert will be shown for one full month, starting on the 1st of the following or 15th of the current month.
You have the opportunity to book ad spots for several months in advance (paying up front). This does not apply to the Featured spot.
Please note that all ads have to be static images only.
188×188 pixels, ÂŁ20 per month
Only one spot available per month.
With this option, your advert is always placed at the top for the whole month and gets great exposure.
188×188 pixels, ÂŁ15 per month
Buying a Large ad spot, your advert will be positioned underneath the Featured advert and above all Regular spots. The order of the Large ad spots is randomized and rotated regularly.
Regular AD SPOT
188×125 pixels, ÂŁ10 per month
The Regular ad spots will be positioned underneath the Large spots and above the Small spots. The order of the Regular ad spots is randomized and rotated regularly.
188×75 pixels, ÂŁ5 per month
Buying a Small ad spot, your advert will be positioned underneath the Regular spots.
The order of the Small ad spots is randomized and rotated regularly.
 Interested? Great! How to get in touch:
If you are interested in a sponsorship or have further questions, please email me at hello[at]
Please add some details of the nature of your business, the ad size you would like to book and the website your ad would link to.
Please note: After approval, sponsors will be invoiced via PayPal (upfront payment).
I’m excited to hear from you and learn more about your business!
Disclosure policy:  Thisblogisnotforyou is a for profit blog. Thisblogisnotforyou contains paid advertisements and occasional relevant affiliate links. Gifted and sponsored items are noted within content with “c/o” (courtesy of) or “provided by”. Please be assured that reviews are totally honest and that I only recommend things I genuinely love and think my readers will too.