Awww, these precious 80s & 90s knitting magazines!

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I got a pile of 80s & 90s knitting magazines from Mr Thisblogisnotforyou’s grandma last year and thought I might share some of the gems I found in there with you guys. That time when magazines were named after woman’s names… “Diana”, “Ingrid”, “Constanze” and “Anna”, hehe!

I was actually surprised to find quite a few sweaters that would still (or rather, again) be considered as ‘pretty cool’ today. I would love to wear these:

80s knitting magazines by thisblogisnotforyou.com80s knitting magazines by thisblogisnotforyou.com80s knitting magazines by thisblogisnotforyou.com80s knitting magazines by thisblogisnotforyou.comThis little number is also quite cute. Love the white sweater dress and the blazer. Not quite so sure about the shoulder pads and matching hat, though.80s knitting magazines by

Well, and then I found these….

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Black is sexy. Yes. But a knitted top with contrasting bow for the little black dress look? Very sexy, indeed!

80s knitting magazines by

Send in the clowns! Are they wearing hoodies in the front? Are these bibs? Can someone please explain this to me?

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Hot!80s knitting magazines by

80s knitting magazines by

… 2 in 1 rouge and lipstick?  Matching the sweater, of course! 🙂 (Why is she wearing it on her forehead?)

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Hair glitter! I had hair mascara in different colours (eg. green!) when I was little. But what is this? Glitter hair tattoos?

80s knitting magazines by

Would you knit & wear any of these?

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