Peachy Lace/Splash Nails for Spring – do it yourself!
Hello again! I had a lovely sunny start into the week and hope you did, too! As there are signs everywhere of spring finally having badly kicked winter’s ass, here’s a really quick spring nails tutorial.
Nails? Yep, I know normally I don’t ‘do beauty tutorials’ and my nails are most of the time looking rather damaged by all my pins and needles, but I found this lovely peachy nail colour the other day. I had the idea of combining it with a neon pink nail colour I never wear and I think it turned out great.
In case you’re wondering, you can get this pastel coloured nail polish everywhere these days – it’s THE trend colour this spring (and lace THE trend fabric, btw).
If you want to have this exact peachy colour -HINT- just buy the latest issue of Instyle Magazine (which I also normally don’t buy, what is wrong with me these days? Must be spring, I guess) – they have three different nail colours in their June 2013 issue (at least here in the UK), so make sure you pick the right one 😉
Enough talk, here we go. All you need is two different colours of nail polish, a transparent one and a piece of lace.