Pinterest update

tutorials and made by mes pinterest boards by

Recently, I posted about finally having created a Pinterest account for my blog. During the last few weeks the Pinterest page has been growing fast, so I just wanted to give a brief update!

Here’s an overview of what I’ve been pinning so far – next to my own tutorials you will find a lot of sewing inspiration and technique tips, free patterns, tips on pattern drafting and fitting, vintage fashion and much more. (I especially like the Vintage Love + Sewing Technique board!)

I you’d like to follow me or have a closer look, you’ll find a Pinterest button at the end of this post!

sewing boards and dress patterns pinterest boards by
vintage pinterest boards by pinterest boards by

pinterest boards by

 Follow Me on Pinterest

Pinterest + other following options

The last few weeks have been crazy! ThisBlogIsNotForYou is getting more and more visitors every day.
That’s one of the reasons ThisBlogIsNotForYou finally joined Pinterest!

You will find a link to my page on the right side bar.
On Pinterest I’ll share all my tutorials and made by me‘s, project ideas and inspirations –  and it’s really easy for you to follow me, pin and share the stuff you like.

For the bloglovers, if you haven’t noticed yet – I’m also on Bloglovin‘ (love it and can only recommend it)! See the button on the side bar.

The third option is following ThisBlogIsNotForYou via RSS feed.

If you don’t have or want any extra accounts to follow my blog, the easiest way is to subscribe via email. This way you’ll receive the newest blog posts and never miss a new tutorial 😉

Whatever way you choose, there will be loads of new fun and inexpensive projects coming up you surely don’t want to miss!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving all the lovely comments!