Jeans-mending day

mending holes in jeans by thisblogisnotforyou.comJeans-mending day – not my favorite day!

Today I finally had a few minutes to mend a pair of jeans that has been waiting for treatment quite a while. The boyfriend wore them until they almost fell apart, so I wasn’t even sure if I could save them or not. Holey moley! Way too many holes. Since it was his favourite pair I gave it a try.

I followed Suzannah’s very helpful instructions. She blogs over at Adventures in Dressmaking, which is one of my faaaaavourite blogs.

Click on the picture to get to Adventures in Dressmaking’s jeans mending tutorial!

Here are some pictures from the mending process.

I altered the technique a little, since the one hole was soo big I wanted to use creme coloured cotton instead of white interfacing. I more or less taped the cotton to the left side of the hole using fusible web tape (which is normally used for no-sew iron-on hemming). For the smaller holes I used interfacing as recommended by Suzannah.

mending holes in jeans by thisblogisnotforyou.commending holes in jeans by thisblogisnotforyou.commending holes in jeans by thisblogisnotforyou.commending holes in jeans by

It looks a bit funny at first, but after the first repaired hole I got used to it. Now I think it looks like it’s there on purpose – the boyfriend thinks it looks cool, as well (which is all that matters).

mending holes in jeans by

8 thoughts on “Jeans-mending day

    1. Thanks, I’m still not too convinced… The mended holes near the crotch still look pretty awkward 😀 Next time I might try dying the mended parts with fabric paint..

  1. I spent all day Saturday goosing my boyfriend through the hole near the back pocket in his favorite pair of khakis; I might give this a shot for fixing it! Your post couldn’t have come at a more perfect time!

    1. hehe, I did that for weeks! he finally bought a new one, but I nevertheless he asked me to fix the old one (the condition was either you let me mend it or I’ll get out the scissors and make a skirt out of it!)

    1. Aww, Thanks so much Freya May!!! I’m totally going through my Bloglovin’ Blogroll now to see who I’ll be nominating! Fun!

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