Valentine’s DIY

Valentines DIY gift by thisblogisnotforyou.comAs you may have noticed, I am not the biggest fanĀ of Valentine’s Day. Well, at least not the commercialised holiday it has become.
Anyway, I love DIY.
I love handmade gifts.
And this one is so much better than just buying a box of chocolates!

What’s even better: It’s simple and quick to make and it’s totally up to you what’s on the “lottery ticket”.

What’s on mine? Truth or dare!Ā Many, many fun, tricky or sometimes embarrassing pretty personal questions for couples and a few pretty fun dares (the pink tickets), if someone doesn’t want to answer a question he/she picked!

The boyfriend got one for his birthday and it’s so much fun picking and answering the questions together. Although I know what questions are in the jar, it’s always a surprise which one comes up next. (Yes, I put some in there, I’d rather not answer !) And you can add new one whenever you think of something fun.

Questions could be like:

– If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be?
– What is an item of clothing your other half has that you wish they would throw away?
– What is the nicest thing you ever did for a friend?
– When a movie would be made about your life, who would you want to play you? (We came up with Zach Braff and Natalie Portman. hehe. Well, just watch Garden State – they go really well together!)

jar of dates -  valentines gift by thisblogisnotforyou

But there are many other sweet ideas, if you don’t like the question thing or are afraid of dares.

You could for example fill the jar with dates! Just think of many different ideas of how one can spend a date night and write them on the lottery tickets. Whenever you don’t know what to do on date night Ā – pick a surprise!

Or how about sweet little vouchers for your loved one?
What other ideas can you think of?

jar of dates -  valentines gift by thisblogisnotforyou 2

How to fill up the jar

All you need:

– paper & pencil (or printer)
– yarn or tape
– an empty jar
– ribbon/ gift tags & glue
You can use the grid below, click on it, download it and us it as a template. This way all your tickets will have the same size and you can easily add the text in a pretty font in Word or Photoshop and print it out. – Done!If you’re still looking for a Valentine’s Card to go with your jar of dates – have a look at my free Valentine’s printables!

jar of dates -  valentines gift by thisblogisnotforyou 1

free downloadable grid -  valentines gift by thisblogisnotforyou 1

5 thoughts on “Valentine’s DIY

  1. This is awesome! I was looking for a really cute idea for my kids to do for Daddy on Valentine’s day and I found this one for me! I love it. I think im going to try and write 365 things I love about him or why I love him. That way he can open one every day and find another reason why I love him.

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