
about Thisblogisnotforyou.com

This Blog Is Not For You is about all things handmade. On this blog you will find tips, inspiration and tutorials. If you love sewing, we’ll get along just fine!

Hi, Iā€™m Charlie. Welcome to This Blog Is Not For You.Ā Make yourself at home. Grab a coffee and join the conversation!Ā You can check out my tutorials and make your own handmade things or track my progress in sewing my own wardrobe! I share my seamstress successes, but also my fashion fails. There will be a lot of helpful tips and tricks, patterns and instructions along the way, I promise!

I set up This Blog Is Not For You in September 2012, which was about the time I started sewing my own clothes. My handmade wardrobe has been growing alongĀ with my skills and experience ever since. 2012 was also the year I moved to London, UK. After some very exciting and adventurous couple of years, I recently moved back to Germany and now live near Munich.

In 2014, I started a small business under the name of Audrey & Me Patterns, making and selling my own sewing patterns, which you can check out here.

When I’m not sitting behind the sewing machine, I work full-time as a psychologist. From time to time I write mental-health related posts and share my thoughts about how sewing and creativity affects our mental health, helps us cope with stress and promotes body-positivity! If you are interested reading about these topics, please have a look at the Sewing & Mental Health category on this blog. There you’ll find all psychology articles I’ve written so far.

So if you’re keen to see a sewing fanatic and fabric hoarder fill their closet with slow fashion – you’ve come to the right place! It is an honour to have you here.

More questions? Check out my FAQ.

about Thisblogisnotforyou.com

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and enjoy checking out my blog!Ā If you enjoy what I do and want to support me, buy me a cup of coffee.

Happy Sewing!



12 thoughts on “About

  1. Wer ist wohl unter diesem Haarschopf- Audrey Hepburn- oder Witwe Bolte?
    Oder- pssst…. Auf jeden Fall ein kreativer Kopf!

  2. Hi Charlie,
    I’d love to nominate you to carry on the blog hop tour. You can see some other posts here http://ozzyblackbeard.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/blog-hop.html and here http://almondrock.co.uk/blog-hop-skip-and-jump/ and mine will be posted on Monday the 1st September. It seems like quite a fun way to learn a bit about other blogs out there. If you’re interested then let me know and I’ll add a link to your blog into my blog post. Your post would be for Monday 8th September.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Lara (dreamingofavonlea)

  3. So you love reading, books, designing, drawing, chocolate, and even coffee, and even our senses of humour seem to be alike – you must be my soulmate =D
    Nice blog, keep it up!

  4. Hi great website I hope to be in your position one day. I have just started a degree in fashion & textiles ( cross my fingers I get through it). I love what you do and that we have the same interests in people, I will however add I add kaffe fassett to the mix, his variation in pattern and colours is inspiration. Keep up the good work.

  5. I just made the fairy tale cape. I didn’t cut the dart for the shoulders because I thought it was a v for the neck line. I attached the hood and now I do not know how to make shoulders. Help! It look great but I need shoulders.

  6. You had me @ “Audrey”. I so adore her loveliness….and just recently made her one of my person heroes ~ although I’ve admired her for years….since watching, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and “My Fair Lady” when just a little girl. She made quite an impression.

    Speaking of impressions….if not for me then who’s this website for? Oh yes, yes….you and all others of course! It’s a delight and so are you…and especially the cape pattern. You’ve inspired me. I have a well fitting wool cape that the moths found and so need to replace it. However living in Florida I never used it much…so will be making myself one out of a light weight fabric that I’ll quilt with an extremely light batting (maybe flannel) and line. I’m thinking of leaving the entire flap off and using a frog for a closure or some such thing. I quite like the openness of the fronts just meeting one another with no overlay. And I plan to lengthen the back so that it has an extended “tail”, so to speak. Not sure about the hood…but most likely will leave it on. I just purchased some lovely black fabric with scattered butterflies….and making the cape out of it sounds yummy to me. Plus I’m now thinking of making the hood out of solid black matching material (although sometimes that can be difficult to match)….and adding some 3D homemade butterflies from the scrap material. Sounds SO fun!!!

    Would love to know what area in the world where you are currently residing. But regardless….BEST of everything to you and your explorations! I learned to sew almost 50 years ago and haven’t really indulged much for the last 40 ~ sewwwwwww….am looking forward!!!



    1. Thanks Aaynne! This means a lot! I’ve very recently moved from London back to Germany. Good luck with your cape & happy sewing! x

  7. Hi Charlie,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog This Blog Is Not For You by Charlie has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 100 Sewing Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 100 Sewing Blogs on the internet and Iā€™m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the following badge on your blog. Use the below code to display this badge proudly on your blog.



  8. I discovered your blog looking for instructions for a petticoat for my marriage blessing dress and then looked at other parts of your blog and its utterly brilliant

  9. Hi, I am new to the blog part! I would love to watch your tutorials! I love to sew, but I could always use pointers!

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