I am contributing at Spread Your Wings And Craft – a brand new crafting community!

Contribute SYWAC

Hi everyone!

Fabulous Hannah from Made with Hugs and Kisses contacted me a little while ago, asking me whether I wanted to be a contibutor on her new blog – Yes!

I barely get any Zzzs anyway between work, all my projects and blogging, so what the heck! And it’s always exciting to start something brand new together.

So head over to Spread Your Wings And Craft now and check out all the cool tutorials and project ideas from Hannah, me and a bunch of other very talented bloggers!

Happy Sewing!

Stay in touch!

By Hand London Sale at Anthropologie

IMG_7395This might be interesting for all the London-based peeps!

I popped into the Anthropologie store on King’s Road (SW3) today and what did I find in the sale section? My heart skipped a beat as I found myself standing in front of a pile of By Hand London patterns. I didn’t even know they were selling these at Anthropologie. Anyway, you can get them there for 50% off at the moment (£ 5.95)!

I’m probably the last person on earth that did not yet have any of their amazing patterns. (I love independent patterns, but sadly, they’re beyond my budget.) Well, now I’m the proud owner of an Elisalex and Victoria pattern. In case you’re missing one of the By Hand London patterns and want to save some money, go there – they had loads of Elisalex, Victoria and Anna left.

By the way, -tadalalam!- I made a little happy dance yesterday seeing that I got featured on Burdastyle.com. Do you recognise my make? Check it out here!

Happy Sewing!

Stay in touch!

Blogging and sewing resolutions for 2014

resolutions 2014 by thisblogisnotforyou.comI enjoyed reading all these resolution lists last week, and since one of my sewing/blogging resolutions is “Make Lists & Plan Projects ahead”, I thought it would be a good start to begin the year with my own list of “re-sewlutions”.

      • Make Lists & Plan Projects Ahead
      • Organise Patterns & Fabrics
      • Take Part In The Stash Diet (instead of buying and hoarding!)
      • Draft More Patterns (at least one every two months!)
      • Publish A Pattern On The Blog
      • Sew A Winter Coat
      • Sew A Chanel-style Jacket
      • Sew Menswear
      • Learn & Improve New Skills:
        Practise fitting & grading patterns & making alterations
        Learn more about couture sewing techniques
      • Actually Read All The Sewing Books You Bought
      • Take The Time & Dedication For A Better Outcome

My overall goal is to never stop progressing. I think one can always do better. I try this by challenging myself with every project, trying more complicated patterns and not being afraid of working with difficult fabrics. I almost never sew something twice.

The hard part really is to stop being impatient and dissatisfied with your own progress and to keep going even if you fail.

Well, let’s hope I can tick off most of these things on the list in 12 months! I’ve met up with Daniela from Ela Sews and Doesn’t Sleep last weekend and she showed me how to fit a pattern with tissue pattern. So I sort of started working on that list!

    Let me know your thoughts and your own New Year’s re-sewlutions!

Happy Sewing!

Stay in touch!

Crafty Fox Market & my October WIPs

Kayleigh O'Mara

Hi everyone!

Yes, I’m still alive. And yes, I’m still busy and need to figure out my new work schedule, sewing and blogging balance. To prove to you that I’m still working hard on my 27 Dresses Challenge, I even took some pics of my Work In Progress *spoiler alert*!

But first of all I wanted to share some of the stuff I admired (and bought) at the Crafty Fox Market in Brixton last Sunday. Daniela from Ela Sews And Doesn’t Sleep invited me to come with her, which was super sweet and if she hadn’t asked me I wouldn’t have known about the Crafty Fox Market in the first place. The location was absolutely wonderful, but I forgot to take pictures.

crafty fox market

One of my absolute favourite traders was Kayleigh O’Mara, who sold (next to other things) super cute shrink plastic brooches. After standing in front of the brooches for almost 15 minutes I HAD to buy some. I picked a super cute polar bear and a badger (see pic above).

The polar bear now found its place on my new beanie and I love it!

kayleigh O'mara

And yes! You guessed right – my order of shrink plastic arrived this morning! Let’s make some fun jewelry this autumn.

forgotten stitches*Blurry Pic Alarm*

One of the other traders, Forgotten Stitches, sold beautiful vintage-looking dolls. Aww! Unfortunately way out of my budget, but you can check them out here.

By the way, the Crafty Fox Autumn market exhibitors have been selected by guest curators, one of them being Tilly Walnes (you know her from Tilly and the Buttons).

Other traders I absolutely loved (actually I loved all of them, but these are the very best):


Jimbo Art had super cute and fun designs – plates, cups and art prints.

Ladybird Likes sold these cute pug and owl collar clips (amongst other things).

For a list of all traders, check out the Crafty Fox website. It’s absolutely worth it! Most of them have web or etsy shops, your chance to get your share of handmade froufrou if you missed the market last weekend!

Now, to prove to you that I’m not just hanging around being lazy and taking a break from blogging, here’s the chance to sneak a peek at my WIPs!

WIP by thisblogisnotforyou.comWIP by thisblogisnotforyou.comWIP by thisblogisnotforyou.comWIP by thisblogisnotforyou.com

Currently I’m finishing a jacket, working on a dress and refashioning a skirt. Oh, and I started knitting a scarf. You can try and guess what is what in the pictures above. 🙂



Stay in touch!

Featuring You: Daniela from Ela Sews And Doesn’t Sleep

featuring you ela sews and doesnt sleep by thisblogisnotforyou.comHi everyone! I hope you all enjoyed Sabrina’s feature! I’m very excited about the feature today, as I’ve met this little lady in real life! 🙂 I met her at a London blogger meet up and was delighted to have found a fellow German seamstress living in London! Pretty cool, eh? You will be surprised when you learn that she just recently started blogging – you absolutely can’t tell! Her blog, her pictures and her makes are amazing and if you’re a big fan of sewing, quilting, knitting or guinea pigs – you must check out this blog!

Meringue Skirt and Sorbetto Top.

Hello I am Daniela from “Ela Sews And Doesn’t Sleep”. I am so excited that Charlie has invited me to be featured on her blog. Thanks a lot for this opportunity Charlie.

Just let me give you a quick heads up about me. I am 29 years young and in my final month of my practical work for my PhD in biology. I will start writing up in October and will spend loads of time at home then in front of my computer. So that will be a complete change of my life 😉 I live together with my boyfriend and two guinea pigs in London in a little house with a garden. I am lucky enough to have my dedicated sewing space, where I have my sewing machine, fabrics, cutting mats and haberdashery set up. I started sewing seriously about 8 months ago, after having given up on sewing 3 years earlier. I love to sew dresses and skirts and whenever I get frustrated with the fitting process I will take out a quilt and do some free motion quilting. So my blog is not only about my adventures in dressmaking but also about quilting and soon to be come about knitting as well.

Cushion covers

Q: For how long have you been blogging and why did you decide to start a blog?

I started to blog only 4 months ago – so I am still a blogger newbie 🙂 I started to blog because I wanted to share my sewing progress and get some input from other makers. When I started to sew (and it still is like this), I couldn’t stop talking about sewing. How much fun it is, what I want to make – you get the idea. The problem was I had nobody to talk to, to exchange ideas with. Not that it stopped me from telling all about it to my boyfriend, friends and colleagues. But after a while I noticed that they became pretty bored – not my boyfriend though 🙂 So, I started to think about blogging.
Two month further I started my blog Ela Sews And Doesn’t Sleep. And up so far I haven’t regretted it. I am getting input and motivation from other bloggers and I even made friends when attending a bloggers meet-up.


Q: What was your first ever blog post about? How do you feel about it now?

A bit embarrassed? I could have just started with writing about one my makes or a little tutorial, but I thought I need some kind of an introductory post. And then I was sitting there and had not really an idea how to start. It was not that easy to come up with something when the only thing you want to announce is:  Hello I am here 🙂 .


Q: What was the first blog you regularly read?

That was Tilly and the Buttons. I stumbled upon it (and on the world of sewing blogs) when I was looking for info about the Great British Sewing Bee.  I have actually read all of Tillys’ posts because I wanted to know how she became such an amazing seamstress after such a short time.


Q: How and when did you learn how to sew?

The first time I touched a sewing machine was 4 years ago. It was during the term summer break that I decided to sew little cuddle houses for my guinea pigs (see my blog post here). So I bought fabric, batting and thread, printed a tutorial and convinced my grandma to show me how to sew. My grandma had an old Veritas sewing machine, which was actually produced close to where I live. She showed me how to wind a bobbin, to thread a needle and most importantly how to sew 🙂 I then dug up my mum’s old sewing machine, which had been neglected for 15 years and brought it to a service shop. Then I tried to sew at home, but somehow the thread tangled and I thought the sewing machine was still broken. So, I called in the service center to complain and was told the machine is working alright. I then went there with my sewing machine and a very old tailor showed me how to use such an old sewing machine properly.

 Colette Pastille_10

Q: What are you doing when you’re not sewing or writing blog posts?

Mostly working (see below). I have also started to knit and I just love to cuddle up with my knitting next to my boyfriend on the couch. I also love to watch detective movies on Saturday nights. My favorite ones are Agatha Christies Poirot (I have the whole DVD collection), Morse and Lewis (I just love Oxford).


Q: What does a normal day in your life look like?

Very busy and far too short! I get up 6:30 in the morning, have some breakfast and feed my piggies and leave the house at 7:30. Then I have a lengthy tube ride, in which I try to catch up on the newest blog posts, before I arrive at work at 8:15. I try to not leave work later than 5:30 to have some time for myself in the evening. Having had dinner, it is usually already 19:30, which leaves me with 1.5 hours of sewing, knitting or cuddle time. I try to stop doing anything sewing related at around 9:00 because otherwise I can’t fall asleep when going to bed at 22:00. Even reading about sewing or being on pinterest keeps my imagination going and I can forget about sleep.

 simplicity 2346

Q: Do all of your friends/family know that you are a blogger?

Most of them know, but I don’t think anybody is reading it 🙂 My family does not speak/read English, so for them I usually put pictures on my Flickr page. And I guess for my friends, they are just not into sewing.


Q: What are you working on at the moment?

There are so many different projects I am working on. The most important one is a Birthday Quilt for my mum. I started to work on it in March and have to finish mid October so that it is ready when I am going home. I just started to quilt it and it takes up a lot of my time. Because it is a Birthday present, I can’t post anything about it on my blog. You never know, my mum could stumble on it by coincidence.

I am also participating in the Fall for Cotton challenge, where I am going to sew a vintage dress made from cotton only. And as if that was not enough, I have also started to knit a lace scarf.

 very first quilt

rose quilt

Q: What is your go to pattern brand?/ Or if you’re not using patterns, what is your favourite tool/technique to work with?

That’s an easy question! Colette Patterns! I do have the Colette Sewing Book and 4 other patterns. I just love the playful style and great descriptions. But I am trying to venture out a bit and also have the Kelly Skirt Pattern from Megan Nielson and a jersey dress pattern from Maria Denmark. Simplicity and McCalls are also in my stash.


Q: If you had 500 dollar/euros/pound to spend on your blog/hobby, what would you buy?

A mannequin, overlocker, more Colette patterns and fabrics!!!! I would run out of the money quite fast I suppose!

 Colette Truffle

Q: What can we look forward to seeing on your blog in the future?

More me makes 🙂 And hopefully some knits. And as Christmas is approaching, I am planning to do some tutorials to give you ideas for Christmas presents. As soon as I am done with my mum’s quilt, I will get started on that.

 table runner