Refashion it! A leather mini skirt

Mini Leather Skirt Refashion by thisblogisnotforyou.comMini Leather Skirt Refashion by

Hallo meine Lieben! I haven’t blogged a refashion project in a while, so this was long overdue! (If I remember correctly, my initial plan was to blog a refashion once a week. This worked out beautifully, right? Haha.)

When I lost my sewing mojo a couple of weeks ago, refashioning a couple of skirts I bought ages ago really helped to get back behind the sewing machine. These fun little projects don’t take much time, just a little creativity and therefore don’t seem as overwhelming as making a complete garment. So, if you haven’t made anything in a while, I really recommend popping to your next charity shop and getting creative with whatever you find there!

Skirts are the easiest thing to fit and recycle I have found. Just changing the length can have a big impact and improve the whole look. Mini Leather Skirt Refashion by thisblogisnotforyou.comHere’s a view before photos: Mini Leather Skirt Refashion by thisblogisnotforyou.comMini Leather Skirt Refashion by

I’m not sure about the whole midi leather skirt look, at least this one wasn’t working for me! The skirt is vintage, from an old lady that was friends with my mum. My mum gave it too me because she didn’t know what to do with it. It also had a broken zip:Mini Leather Skirt Refashion by

I was really lucky that the skirt fit me perfectly around the waist and hips, so I didn’t have to make too many alterations. I simply shortened the hem and lining, eliminating the kick pleat and a good 30 cm of length.Mini Leather Skirt Refashion by thisblogisnotforyou.comMini Leather Skirt Refashion by thisblogisnotforyou.comMini Leather Skirt Refashion by

I’m in love with the seam lines on the skirt and how they run parallel to the pockets. Yes, it has got pockets!Mini Leather Skirt Refashion by thisblogisnotforyou.comMini Leather Skirt Refashion by thisblogisnotforyou.comMini Leather Skirt Refashion by thisblogisnotforyou.comMini Leather Skirt Refashion by

I never had a leather garment before (except for an 80’s jacket!) and I’m surprised how comfortable it is to wear! I thought it might be really hard to walk and sit in, but it’s as comfy as any other skirt would be.

Oh, and what became of the broken zip? The zip was still working fine, just the pull tab had broken off. I couldn’t be bother to replace the whole thing, so I just added a little silver ring with a scissors charm instead. I love the little sewing-related detail – and it works perfectly. I might use this trick on other zips in the future!
Mini Leather Skirt Refashion by

I recently refashioned two other (more office-style) skirts which I love and wear constantly. Hopefully I get around to taking some photos soon!

Have you recently refashioned something?

Happy sewing!


Stay in touch!

8 thoughts on “Refashion it! A leather mini skirt

  1. The skirt looks great! Well done!
    I am however completely in love with that jacket is it me-made? Pattern?
    Any plans for the left over leather?


  2. I love this, what a great improvement! I always thought it would be awkward to sew leather so I never really think to look at those garments in charity shops, it’s good to know it’s possible to alter! 🙂

  3. Love this skirt both in the long length and the short. I have a number of real and vegan leather skirts that I have thrifted and/or refashioned. Cheers, Michele

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