Versatile Blogger Award

Lovely news!

Lovely Freya May who blogs over at The Dressmaking Diaries nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! I love her blog and can’t wait for all the great stuff she’s gonna make in the future! Check out her blog – it’s totally worth it!

One doesn’t get an award for nothing, so here are the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
  • Include a link to the person who nominated your blog
  • Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you have recently discovered or frequently visit and nominate them for the award.
  • Include a link to all 15 of the blogs/bloggers that you want to nominate.
  • And lastly, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Here are Some of my newest finds:

A Good Wardrobe
Bundana begins
Miss Refashionista
Oonabaloona from Kalkatroona
Wolves in London
Sews’n Bows
Sew I Thought

Some of my favourite go-to bloggers (and there are many more I love!) :

Elegant Musings
A Sewing Odyssey
Bored and Crafty
All dressed up and nowhere to go
Handmade Jane
My Happy Sewing Place

My dear friend-bloggers:

My dear friend and talented lady Aura has two wonderful blogs (I here count as one).

Simplement Aurelie – is full of all sorts of tips, tricks and inspiration for pretty eyes, hair and lips. In case your soul needs some wellness, check out her inspiring blog Beauty for Ashes!


Seven things about me:

  1. The first proper garment I sewed was a denim mini-skirt made from an old jeans when I was 12 or 13 years old. Without a sewing machine!
  2. My sewing machine is an AEG NM1714 and her name is Marilyn.
  3. When I’m sad I buy books.
  4. This blog started out as a personal blog. This changed after the first blog post 🙂
  5. While I’m tracing patterns I love to watch Project Runway.
  6. When I was 13 I wanted to become a fashion designer and took a 3 month class in Fashion Illustration. The class was really useless and I decided to become something else.
  7. The name of this blog was inspired by Mark Z. Danielewski’s “House of Leaves”

8 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award

  1. Thanks so much for nominating me! That’s wonderful, what a lovely cheering thing to happen on this miserable and cold day!

    *Does a little happy dance*

    I’ll have to have a good think for seven things about me and for 15 people to nominate as well. In the meantime, I’ll be checking out the other blogs you’ve nominated. Some I already read, but some are new to me. Always great to find a good new blog!

    Sabrina (at

    1. You’re welcome, Sabrina! As partners in crime/london your blog was one of the first ones to think of. It’s hard to narrow the list of blog down to 15.So many wonderful bloggers out there. Can’t wait for your fabric business to be set up!

  2. What???!!!! Me?!!! Oh my, thank you so much! But first things first- CONGRATULATIONS!!

    I can’t tell you how honored I am! I’m going to check out a few of the blogs you listed 🙂 it may take me a little while to choose 15 blogs!

  3. Charlie I love your humour, haha Marilyn. If I could sew, that is something I would do! You are so talented! Will do mine soon. Wish I was as great in front of the sewing maching as you are. Love you! xxx

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