5 tips for the weekend #2

#1 book that’s absolutely worth reading

Special Topics in Calamity PhysicsMarisha Pessl

A great novel I read a few years ago. It’s written in the style of the syllabus for an English Literature course and is despite of the cheesy-looking cover not a particular girly book. Basically, it’s a crime story andĀ full of literary and cinematic references (which I really love), although some of them are made up. (Reminds me of House of Leaves, but that one deserves a post of its own.)

#2 movie you shouldn’t missĀ 

Ink (2009)Ā – “A dark, wondrous, poetic tale”.

An amazing indie film that deserves to be much more popular! It tells a beautiful story about the forces controlling good dreams and nightmares, and will blow your mind with one or another twist. Oh, and the soundtrack is just enchanting!

#3 craft idea

I fell in love with this dinnerware idea. Brooklynlimestone.comĀ has a short tutorial.

#4 recipe to try on the weekend

Recipe found here. Looks delicous.

#5 do you know about trashion?

TrashionĀ (aĀ portmanteauĀ of “trash” and “fashion”) is a term for art, jewelry, fashion and objects for the home created from used, thrown-out, found and repurposed elements.”

I found a really good blog about trashion that’s worth checking out. Do you still have some old shirts or other clothes that could need some upcycling over the weekend?

This Pinterest pageĀ has some fun ideas!


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