#1 book you won’t regret reading
Shadow of the Wind (Spanish: La sombra del viento) is a truly timeless masterpiece by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. The novel – typical for Zafón- is actually a story within a story. A love story, a mystery and for some a thriller. The book is breathtakingly beautiful and thrilling at the same time. It’s not a small book, but a pageturner you won’t be able to put down as soon as you’re through the first chapters. So there’s a great chance to read it through over the weekend.
I strongly recommend it for every book lover and bibliophile out there. As soon as you start reading, you’ll know why.
The follow-up’s of this book are as good as this one. The second book The Angel’s Game is actually a prequel to Shadow of the Wind. At the moment I’m reading the third book of the series, The Prisoner of Heaven. Although it’s kind of a series, it doesn’t really matter with what book to start with, but if it’s your first Zafón, the Shadow of the Wind is probably the best choice.
#2 movie you shouldn’t miss
Finding Neverland is a beautiful movie about the playwright J.M. Barrie (Johnny Depp – reason #1). That name rings a bell? It’s the author of Peter Pan (reason #2)!
The movie is about his relationship to a woman called Sylvia (Kate Winslet) and her sons which inspired him to write the Peter Pan story.
The movie is beautifully directed (Marc Foster – reason #3) and would be a great fun to watch with the whole family!
#3 craft idea: recycled record coasters
my so called crafty life has the cute idea of recylcling old vinyl records to fun looking coasters. Way better than just throwing them away.There are thousands and thousands of ideas how to craft something beautiful out of old records and this one is such an easy one!
#4 recipe to try on the weekend
Yummy homemade peppermint marshmallows! Recipe found at brown eyed baker.
#5 Secret Santa with your family or friends!
Do a Secret Santa with your family or friends this weekend! The more people the more fun it is. Pick names and give the person a little gift anonymously. If there are smaller kids in your family that won’t be able to buy or craft gifts themslves, you could do each other little secret favours without letting the other know that it was you.
You will be surprised how fast the little ones will find enjoyment in secretly cleaning the kitchen or tidying up the living room!
It’s also a fun thing to do at work or with friends you see on a regular basis. Pick another name every week – perfect occasion to give away all your little crafty handmade gifts.