I was nominated by the lovely Lara of Dreaming of Avonlea to keep the blog hop tour going. She a very talented seamstress and I adore her style! If you haven’t done so yet, please hop over and check out her blog!
Nobody really seems to know where and when the blog hop started. If you have any idea – please share! The only thing that is known is when taking part in the blog hop, you answer four questions before nominating two other bloggers to keep the blog hop alive. And this is exactly what I’ll do! So here we go.
Why I write
Why do I write? Probably because I once started writing and just never stopped. I started writing as soon as I learnt how in primary school. I scribbled tiny stories on Post-its in second grade and the continued to fill notebooks with imaginary sequels of my favourite books. I had way too many pen pals back then. I continued to write stories when I was older, but soon noticed that I was a bit too impatient for that and had way too many other hobbies which consumed my time.
I always liked the whole idea of blogs and at some point really wanted to write my own, although I had no idea what to write about. When I moved to London I took the plunge and started thisblogisnotforyou.com. It started out as a personal blog for friends and family who wanted to track my new London life, but it changed into crafts and sewing very quickly. Luckily, the blog name gave me lots of freedom in terms of the content of the blog! So here I am now, writing and sewing at the same time! Add a little design, photography and picture editing to the mix and you’ve created my favourite hobby!
What I’m working on
Since the release of my last patterns I’ve been doing so many things. I thought I would need at least a couple of weeks to recover from my previous workload, but I was back at the sewing machine after only a few hours. Now that I do not have too many to-dos and tasks to get done, I can basically sew whatever I want! How awesome is that? (I forgot that it used to be like that all the time!)
So now I work on several projects simultaneously, inserting a zip here and cutting out fabric there. I’ve just finished another Hepburn Dress (scooped neckline version), photographed my new (and awesome) Coco (Tilly & the Buttons), printed out the Malvarosa (Pauline Alice Patterns) and another Hepburn Skirt is waiting for a waistband.
In planning are at least one Miette skirt and one or two Mimi blouses (Tilly & the Buttons), a quilted baby blanket, a knitted couch blanket and, fingers crossed, a pair of trousers.
How my blog differs from others of its genre
Good question! I have no idea! Well, maybe it differs because I do not just strictly stick to sewing. I enjoy and love to write about the odd craft project, I shared blogging tips and love the occasional refashion post. I would also describe my process as quite experimental, I’m not the kind of person that follows instructions and patterns meticiously. I am a big fan of the trial-and-error approach and love to share all my fails along the way. I also started my own sewing pattern company recently and generally enjoy developing my blog further.
A little bit about my writing process
Whether there’s a process behind the madness really depends on my mood and how much time I have on my hands. Sometimes I feel all professional, making to-do lists, printing out schedules, writing blog posts in advance and pretending all I do is super duper important, like stock prices and that sort of stuff. And then there are days (and weeks and months) where I do not stick to my own blogging advice, because I realise that I need to focus a bit more on the real life – friends and stuff like that. That’s when I do not plan anything, do a bit of sewing here, a bit of picture editing there and then frantically put together a rather crappy blog post because I noticed I haven’t written any in the past three weeks. I really like my non-existing balance and so far it worked really well for me.
My two nominees
Freya May who blogs over at The Dressmaking Diaries. We’ve followed each other’s blogs for a long time now and I consider her one of my bloggy friends, although we actually haven’t met IRL yet. Freya is always up for collaborations and fun projects and we’ve hosted the Hollywood Sewalong together.
Hannah from Made With Hugs And Kisses, also one of my bloggy buddies. Hannah is a very talented seamstress and she drafts and shares her own patterns on her blog every once in a while. Check out that Allie Dress!
Happy sewing!
Stay in touch!