Liebster Award


I handed in my dissertation yesterday and still can’t believe I’m free at last…after weeks and weeks of work. And finally I have time for unpacking my sewing machine. So what else happened since my last post?

– We moved houses! Not a good thing to do right before the dissertation deadline but that’s how thing are sometimes. There’s still chaos everywhere and all my sewing things are still in boxes. But I’m looking forward to decorating my new sewing space. Unpacking starts NOW!

– I finished #10 and #11 of my 27 Dresses Challenge! I will be posting some pictures in the next days (plus the tutorial on baby seams I promised you guys a while ago on Facebook!)

– Last but not least: I was nominated the Liebster Award by wonderful Danielle from Constantly Alice! I did not know her blog before, but I’m so glad I do now! Please do check it out, it’s totally worth it!

The nomination comes with a few rules:

  • You must answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
  • You yourself then pick 11 blogs who in turn have under 200 followers. You must then think of 11 questions for the blogs you have picked and also tell them.
  • Finally link back to the blog that nominated you.

I still haven’t picked the 11 blogs, but will do so in the next days. If you know any really cool blogs you want me to consider or if you want me to check out your own blog, please feel to post a link in the comments! It should have no more than 200 followers, to give the smaller or newly started blogs a chance to be seen by more people!

Here are Danielle’s questions:

1. What is your favorite song?

Oh, wow. Hardest question first? There are hundreds of songs I really love and I think which one of them is my favourite changes constantly depending on my mood and what music I listened to last. I love all sorts of music from rock to techno to classic to swing and jazz. Since I really can’t decide here’s a short list of the ones I can think of right now:

– ‘Italian Radio’ and ‘HRSA’ by Blue October (probably one of the best bands in the world!

– ‘Nouvelle chance’ by Pupkulies and Rebecca

– “Wish you’d hold that smile” by Minor Majority (great great great band!)

– “The dragster wave” by Ghinzu

– “May way” by Frank Sinatra (who doesn’t love this song?)

2. If you could only have one item, what would you pick?

My sewing machine!

3. Who has been your biggest influencer/mentor?

I think I don’t really have a “mentor”. I’ve been influenced by a lot of really great people over the last years. I think there are  a lot of really good books that are very inspiring but the most inspiring people you meet in real life. Family, friends and sometime people you meet somewhere and only talk with for three minutes.

4. Favorite book?

Naw, can’t answer this question! The other lovelies in my shelves will be jealous! And I would probably end up giving you a list of a few hundred books, which I all consider the “best book in the world” 🙂

5. Favorite literary character? Why?

Man, these questions are mean. I’m a very, very indecisive person. I really love Elizabeth Bennet (I’m boring I know!), but this time I pick Momo. Read the book (Momo by Michael Ende) and you’ll know why!

6. Ice Cream or Cake?

Cake. It’s always been cake and it will always be cake. Seriously, how can ice cream be your favourite when there is cake?

7. Describe yourself in 4 words or less.

jack of all trades

(and may I add: master of none)

8. Favorite time of day or season? Why?

I love summer! I love being outside in the sun (preferably with a coffee).

9. Pepsi or Coke?

Neither. (It’s coffee!)

10. What movie character do you most identify with?

The only character that comes to my mind isn’t from a movie, but a series: Lorelai Gilmore (and not only is she a coffee junkie, but she can sew as well!)

11. Biggest blogging challenge?

My 27 Dresses Challenge which is more fun than hard work, actually. The hardest thing was probably making the decision to start a blog.


It feels so good to be blogging again. Can’t wait to run some fabric through my sewing machine!

I’m sorry if I haven’t replied to any of your comments during the last few weeks! Will do so pretty soon! xx

6 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Wow, I am always amazd by how much you get done – while I was finishing my university stuff, there was no chance in hell I was getting anything else done, let alone moving! Congrats on your new freedom 🙂

    1. yeah it was quite exhausting and I’m normally not too disciplined, but somehow this time I managed (probably because the sewing machine was all packed up 🙂 )

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