… and that’s one of the reasons why I wasn’t as elated by the rustling and fragrance of falling leaves as everyone else in London seemed to be last weekend. As pretty as it is, this foretaste of autumn season made me wish for the summer to last just a tiny little bit longer.
However, for those of you, that can’t wait to spend their days inside with tea, coffee and hot chocolate, here is a film tip for the coming rainy days.
I have been pretty much obsessed with Marylin Monroe for the last two months and still working myself through watching all of her movies, but Some Like It Hot has been the best so far. I was rather interested in her work than in the actual plot, but Some Like It Hot really surprised me in a positive way. It’s way more entertaining, amusing and fun than most of the latest Hollywood comedies are. And it’s a Must Watch for everyone that always wanted to see Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon dress up as women. Josephine, Daphne and Sugar Kane (Monroe) are my absolute favorite film trio this summer!
“Some Like It Hot is so delightfully fizzy, it’s hard to believe the shooting of the film was a headache, with an unhappy Monroe on her worst behaviour. The results, however, are sublime.” – Robert Horton